Dear friends:
Summer is over. Autumn, for me, will be very busy.
Today’s is just a short newsletter, to announce upcoming dates and places where I will be sharing my work.
October 12, Or Tokyo, Miyashita Park, Shibuya-ku. Some of my street snapshots from Korea will be on display at the “GR Bar” event, hosted by Ricoh Imaging. It’s a casual event for people to meet and talk about cameras and photography at a popular bar in Shibuya.
October 17-20, Setagaya Art Museum, Setagaya-ku. I will be exhibiting a large selection of photographs from my Mailboxes series at the Tokyo Street Photography Festival.
November 7-12, White Gallery, Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku. My newest book, Mailboxes, will be on display as part of #Images東京2024, an exhibition of artists’ books and zines.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has purchased a copy of Mailboxes. There are now fewer than 20 remaining for sale. Each one is just 25 USD, including worldwide shipping, and I would love to sell them out before beginning on my next project. If you’re interested, please be in touch.
Thanks for reading. Back to work for me.